Yosemite winter-19 - Yosemite Lodge, where we stayed. Kind of run-down, but the Mountain Room Restaurant behind the Lodge is fan
Yosemite winter-20 - Our room was in the Maple building across from the Lodge lobby.
Yosemite winter-21 - Yosemite coyote, watching for rodents in the disturbed area near the plowed road. He didn't pay any attenti
Yosemite winter-01 - The three separate parts of Yosemite Falls
Yosemite winter-02 - Rainbow at the base of Yosemite Falls
Yosemite winter-03 - It was cold!
Yosemite winter-04 - John near base of Yosemite Falls
Yosemite winter-05 - Looking through Yosemite Falls at a snowy ridge
Yosemite winter-06 - Fog at the edge of the meadow.